Saturday 7 April 2007


Hi..sorry I have not posted for a few be honest I haven't really had anything to say. I have been researching LOADS on rat keeping and I am quite excited at getting some now. I have been making hammocks and toys ready for when their cage arrives. Having researched loads and joined a rat forum I have decided against buying them from a pet shop....I know this will mean waiting a bit longer but the pro's of waiting out weigh the cons. Firstly it is very common for PS rats to have respiratory illness as well as other health issues, they also tend to come from rat farms..these kittens are not normally handled that much and so tend to be timid and a little harder to tame..also by buying from a pet shop it encourages this 'farming' trade. SOooo I have decided to get my rats from a breeder - if not I will go for rescue rats from a reputable rescue centre.
I have emailed a local breeder and am awaiting a response. Luckily she breeds English blues and Russian silvers - both these breeds have taken my fancy, although I like all rats :)...I am hopefully going to go to a rat show at Dartford on the 21st..this will give me a chance to meet like minded people as well as their rats, also a chance to speak with breeders and find out what showing is all about as from what I have read about it I quite fancy the idea of showing :)...We will see. I am just so looking forward to getting some boys !!!
The last few days Harry has not been feeling himself...he says he can't tell me what it is...yesterday he felt so fed up he didn't want to do anything and I can quite understand where he is coming from...I have felt a bit like that for the past few days..I have had no get up and go..the only thing I have really been interested in is researching. I am feeling really lazy now.
Harry is now picking his children up as it is their weekend to stay and I haven't done anything round the house!!..Never mind eh?? I guess i will lose my computer now for a day or so.. time for some scrapbooking then :)...O and I must really start to learn how to use my camera...I have been given an exercise to do by the chappy who will be taking us on the Big Cat Shoot in June !!

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