Tuesday 26 July 2011

I have returned and updated ...

.... for how long though who knows.  I love the idea of keeping a blog I just find it hard to keep on top of writing it.  I really should discipline myself more.

Talking of being disciplined I am about to embark on a new venture.  The OPEN UNIVERSITY.  I am so very excited about it all but at the same time very nervous.  Will I be able to be disciplined enough to push myself to get the work done on time ??  I do bloody hope so !!  I will be studying BA (Hons) in Early Years .... that's 2-5 year old to most people. The long term plan is to become a Reception class teacher, it will take me about 5 years to get there, but it will be worth it.

So back to the here and now....
I got up this morning and did my 15 minutes on my treadmill, not a lot I know but I am only just strating out and I don't wnat to overdo it and burn myself out.  I am trying very hard to shed 1 and half stone in weight, so far I have changed my diet to eating wholemeal breads and rice, to eating fruit instead of chocolate and sweets and to exercising at least once a day, unfortunately I have yet to see any loss, I have no idea I think I have hit a wall.  I have been assure by friend who are in the know that if I carry on it will all of a sudden fall off.   I have just had my shopping delivered.  I rarely do this as I find you tend to not always get what you wanted or the vegetables and fruit are on the smaller side or almost past its sell by.  But on this occasion thankfully there were no changes.  Harry Jnr is happily playing at my feet with his motors.  I love listening to his conversations that his cars have with one and another.  His imagination is simply wonderful.  I look at him and can't believe that my 'baby' boy will soon be 3 years old.   As for the rest of today well I have to go to town to the bank, return some clothes to Next and then clean out the fish.  Not a particularly exciting day, or start, in fact, to my return to blogging.  This may well be why I give up on these blogs, I can't see how anyone could be interested in such mundane postings.

Well the bank has been banked and the shops have been shopped.  I treated myself today to a few small bits from the craft shop :) I picked up a couple of lovely books for Jnr from the charity shop.
Just at home now enjoying a cuppa tea before I think about cooking supper ..... hmmmm what to do tonight I wonder ??

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