Wednesday 14 April 2010

Blimey didnt realise it had been so long since I last posted .... honestly !!


Jnr will be 20 months old in two days time and we have started to enter the terrible two's .... although mostly he is still a good boy he is so defiant and when he throws a tantrum boy does he throw one. His passion seems to be fire engines, fireman sam and postman pat. I took him to the fire station the other day so he could see a real fire engine and he was so excited, I dont think he could smile any bigger if he tried, which surprise the fireman as normally and child of his age become overwhelmed by the size of the engines ....


Been trying to get my garden sorted so its a safe play area for Jnr as well as having an area why the dogs can do their business.... its coming on but far too slowly for my liking. Its very frustrating not having help to do the jobs that takes two people like putting fence posts in etc .... still come the weekend hopefully Harry will pull his finger out and help me get some more done.

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