Friday 17 July 2009

It Has Been a While ...

It has been over a year since I last posted on here and boy alot has happened. Our little miracle was finally born 12 days late, takes after his dad there.

On the 16th of August 2008 at 8.56am Harry Richard (aka. Junior) was born weighing in at a healthy 8lbs 3 and half ounces after a 29 hour labour ending in an emergency C-Sec, which if the truth be known was the worst experience of my live !! Still I would do it all again for him. I had a few complications in labour and lost alot of blood so I was in hospital for a week... mmm maybe that was the worst experience looking back .. haha. I had to have 4 blood transfusions and they discussed a possible 5 but for whatever reason didn't, although my gp maintains I should have.

Junior an hour old...
Well he is now 11 months and one day old today and I am preparing for his first birthday... where has the time gone??

Aug 08

Sept 08

ct 08

Nov 08

Dec 08

Jan 08

Feb 08

Mar 08

Apr 08

May 08

June 08
July 08

Being a mum is a fantastically rewarding job anyone can ever do, but boy is it hard. Its sleep deprivation that makes it so difficult and of course I had to have a son who is allergic to sleep, and no I am not kidding, it runs in both families. It seems that he only needs 45 mins to an hour sleep (even at night-time) to have enough energy to be on the go for 3 - 4 hours more. He rarely goes to bed much before 10pm and on the odd occasion he has he is wide awake by 2 am. Not bad you might say but he has also woken almost every hour on the hour between going to bed and 2am !!
Other than the sleep thing I cannot complain. Jnr is smashing very happy go lucky child and as he grows and his personality is starts to shine through its obvious he is going to be a joker. He loves to laugh and make other people laugh. I had a sneezing fit the other day and now he has started to do pretend sneezing and then laughs out loud... a real mickey taker.
His milestones to date have been 16th April crawled for the first time and he took his first three independent steps on the 3rd July. We still have no teeth. And his first words have been 'HiYa' 'Daddy' 'Gone' and 'grangrad' (for grandad) 'mummy'. he has also learnt a few signs as we do sing and sign every week... he now asks for milk and juice using signs. Amazing how much children absorb and take on board at such a young age.
Unfortunately due to Jnr not being a good sleeper I have not had much time to myself over the last year and so I have not been able to do much in the way of scrapbooking. Here are the few LO's I have manged in the last year.

Danni on stage at The London Palladium - July 08
My Step Daughter Danni played on stage at the The London Palladium last July with the Theatre Train Company. Brilliant performance as always, enjoyed the show immensely even though it was only a few weeks before I burst and so I spent most of the show stood up at the back as it was too hot and too uncomfortable to sit in the stalls. Still I am so pleased that I made it to see her.
Introducing Our Son (work in progress still)
This is a LO I am still trying to finish. I am having trouble setting the eyelets as they are extra large ones and even my crop-o-dile doesn't seem to be capable of doing the job. Any ideas greatly appreciated ;). The ribbon comes undone to open two 'doors' behind which you will see Jnr full name and then I hope to attach to the inside of one door (possibly both) the full birthing story as it was fairly eventful and certainly worth recording.
Me and My Giraffe (work in progress)
I adore this picture of Jnr. The toy was an unexpected gift from the lady who works in our local shop and it has become Jnr firm favourite. He often snuggles up with it at night and I always take it with us everywhere as on the odd times Jnr becomes fretful he can always produce and smile, a kiss and a cuddle for his favourite Giraffe.

Don't Forget to Smile (work in progress)

All I need to finish this is add a small amount of journalling to the pull out tab at the back of the picture. I believe this LO was inspired from a Cyber Crop on UKS. It seemed whenever I got the camera out Jnr's smile disappeared, so this was a little reminder to Smile ;)
Right I am going to not say much more today as there is no way that I could tell you all what has happening in the last year.... but I do hope that I might become a little bit better in keeping this blog updated more often.


Tina said...

Well worth the wait and your son has grown so much his just so cute...

Congratulations on being a super MUM

Jenny said...

He's a beauty! You must be so proud, well done on the layouts and getting the blog on the go again, I'll never forget that thread "In early stage labour..." lol x

Angie said...

What a great post ...keep them comming ...when you have time. Loved the LO's especially the ribbon one.
You must be exhausted with his night antics son's partner had twins last year and he says he doesn't remember the feeling of having more than a couple of hours of sleep in one go. They have had to brake a golden rule and take them to their bed ... this is because they are awake alternately and so they take the awake one to bed so that the other stays asleep ... most times the awake one then goes to sleep but then the parents are too scared to sleep as my son is a big chap. Ah parenthood.
Look forward to you next post

Kate said...

Yes I too have broke the rule and had him in bed with us on many occasion as that is unfortunately the only way in which I can get 2 - 3 hours sleep in one hit. I would much rather that than lose my mind not having any at all.

Claire said...

Great LO's... don't they grow quick... what a cutie.