Monday 2 June 2008

O dear....

I really am useless at this blogging stuff aren't I .... Didn't realise it was 15th May since I last posted.

Well not much exciting had really happened to be fair.

We start antenatal classes tomorrow night ... I am looking forward to it but I feel it marks the beginning of the end of my PGY :(

As for my scrapping I have been working on a circle journal. I will explain more about that when I have some pictures t show you .. I also have been doing my scrap a day again when I have some pictures I will tell more.

If I get a chance tomorrow I will be back and tell you more ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It sounds like you quite like being preggie, or are you more worried about the impending birth that you want to keep it cooking for a while longer *lol*

aka JaneS on the gogo clubhouse