Saturday 21 June 2008

Well I've done it again ..

I forgot to blog... I never was good at keeping diaries even when I was a teenage kid and it was all the rage.
Well just to update you slighty.... we have 6 weeks to go before we finally meet Smeagle... although I believe it might be earlier than that .. I wouldn't be surprised if i turns out to be in 4 weeks time. So long as it doesn't impend on Danni's performances that she has coming up in July I don't mind.
We are almost ready for the new addition... I just have to sort out a matress for the crib and finish painting the cabinet. I not sure if I have mentioned this or not but a friend of my parents made me a changing cabinet which I am now ainting and hoping to draw and paint Winnie the POoh motive on the front and possiblehe sides. It was at my parents but as I am now really quite big and I get breathless and I do have the occasional pains now I felt it would be better to have it home here so that I can get on with it as and when I felt I could..... and ironically I was wide awake at 4 this am so after lying there awke for an hour I figured I might as well get up and give it a lick of paint..... so I am glad its home here now .. its definately more likely to get done now.
I am waffling now !!!
Not much else I can think of to say to be honest .... if I can think of anything I will pop back (if I remember) Bye for now !!!

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