Tuesday 27 March 2007

The Beginnings

Well here goes...I am not really sure where I will go with this blog..or where it might take me. I've never been one for diary writing...I'm not really into gossip as such, I listen to it but don't tend to pass it on!! My life to me is not that exciting, so all in all I'm not holding out much hope for this latest project. I think the hardest thing, other than what to write will be remembering to write as I am sure alot of bloggers do. Time moves so quickly nowdays...you get up, dress, out to work, home, tea, bath and bed, you squeeze in a hobby here and there..you visit friends and family not as often as you should and time just carries on regardless; never still always moving.

Just to give you a brief run down of where my life is at right now. I married Harry just before christmas 2006. It really was the best day of my life so far. The day was perfect. We would like to start a family but it means having fertility treatment. We are going to Bourne Clinic in Cambridgeshire in April to discuss our options. Lets hope that works. Harry has two children from a previous relationship. They come to stay every three weekends in four. I get on fantastically with both children and enjoy their company..there has been ups and downs over the last 6 years with regards to their mother but hey ho...(bite your tongue Kate at least till their 18). I am currently working as a lorry driver - unusual job for a woman I know but I enjoy it most of the time. In my spare time I enjoy looking after my dogs. I had an Green Iguana that passed away on the 2nd January 2007. He has left quite a large hole in our lives...he was very very special...loved by everyone who knew him. I had had him almost ten years..he came to me in a bit of a poorly state...he was about 3 - 4 years old and was being fed all the wrong things and was not a well Iggy. It took a while to get him into health and for years he was wonderful but then last Jan (2006) he came down with a mystery illness. Over the course of 2006 he had to have 2 major ops and 3 minor to remove a lump from his head. Whatever it was that he had took its toll in the end and we had to make the awful decision to have him put to sleep. RIP my boy Ooly...always missed never forgotton!

Also in my spare time I scrapbook... (this you will see more of as the blog goes on as it is a fairly large part of my 'spare time' life) and I read. I have just finished reading a book called 'The Girls' by Lori Lansens. Its about conjoined craniopagus twins. Although it is a fictional novel it is written very much in a style in which you could actually believe it to be true..I think maybe this is one of the reasons it held my interest. I am not very good at book reviews, so all I can say is that I enjoyed the read and would recommend this book.

Well at the point I am not really sure what else I should tell you. I guess over time and as long as I keep this blog up you will begin to get to know me a little. So for now I will say goodnight. I am going to go and make my chocolate horlicks (as recommened to me by my doctor to try and help me sleep better - not sure if its really working but it tastes good). Speak with you again soon.

Love Kate xx

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